Do local business websites need domain authority?
This is a big question that has been floating around the office and our peers in the industry for the past six months. As Google continues to focus on entities and the relevance it brings to its users and their experience. Do local business websites need domain authority? Let’s start at the beginning…
Domain Authority… What is it?
Domain authority or domain rank as its also known is a made up ratings signal that tools like Moz, Semrush and Majestic use to separate your domains presence in comparison to your competition. While we are certain search engines have their own algorithm to associate different domains this is a score you can actually see and improve upon.
So hows it all worked out?
Domain Authority is a score (on a 100-point scale) that basically predicts how well a website will rank on search engines. It’s calculated by combining all of your link metrics—linking root domains, number of total links, domain age, link scores etc.—into a single score. This gives you an “idea” of how well you website will rank on the search engines.
Another Big Three!
So there is another big three, this time in domain authority and to be honest they aren’t really that big. If your worried about domain authority and how competitive your site is against others then these three are the things that count.
- Age – How long has your domain been registered is a key factor to your overall domain authority.
- Popularity – Just like Google brand awareness and how many people are linking back to you is in the big.
- Size – Contrary to most people’s believe size matters. The bigger the better the more pages the better.
We looked to analytics to find the answer…
We looked far and wide to find local businesses who were in service based industry targeting search terms that were relevant to their business.
But the key here was also to find businesses that had no links to a service page and little to no difference in on page,
An almost impossible task…
We looked at each of the competition to ensure links and on page signals were as close
1. Plumber in Hamilton Ontario
So how to I get a better domain authority?
Well here’s the thing. Keep the ball rolling and maintain your site, Google has leveled the playing field and those people doing things right are starting to see the benefits. Nice guys don’t finish last not even close. Those taking the time building good links targeting the right keywords and writing good content will increase their DA without a doubt.
Hope that clears up some fuzziness, If you require any information search engine optimization contact us via the contact form to the right. Remember be nice and please like, comment and share.
Scott Ballam,
Managing Director