Digital Marketing Case Study

Our methods have helped businesses across Ottawa increase their client database and provide the systems to manage it.

See our case studies on the results below.

Assessment To Success

Our digital marketing case study starts with the problem. Well, it’s actually three and it’s the three most common challenges for 90% of business owners across the globe.


I know some business owners are reading this are saying “THERE ARE A LOT MORE THAN THAT!”

But these are the most common across our research, since talking with business owners across North America.

All three of these challenges share a common goal. Growth. Growth can come in a variety of ways, currently our research shows the most common digital marketing strategy is PPC advertising on Google. While the cost per click on some of these ads can be well over $50 per click depending on the location and competition for the desired keywords. It can really hurt your return on investment if the conversion rate is low.

The second most popular “the referral” or “word of mouth marketing” still has a place in local business across Canada and The United States. From the fifty local businesses in Ontario Canada we spoke with twenty-eight said word of mouth was their main source of client acquisition. While referral number’s weren’t high enough to warrant any true growth these were the two most common ways local businesses are building their brands.

Is there more to marketing?

We know there’s more to it than just website and social media traffic in the world of digital marketing. Which is why we are one of the few that share their knowledge of both systems and management to work alongside your lead generation. Think of it as a better way to use the statistics of your business (for those who are actually tracking metrics!). The systems also increase patient retention rates as they keep your audience engaged.

The biggest challenge is still knowing “WHO” are the target demographic. Understanding your most valuable and/or preferred service is also key to finding your target audience. But really knowing your market place is paramount. Obviously; targeting 20 year old, Men for Dental Implants is not going to yield anywhere near the conversions 65+ Men & Women would. Finding those audiences and providing value is the key to success. Which is where our analytical systems shed light on the current trends, traffic and converting potentials.

It’s also worth mentioning that any industry providing value and social proof to their audience increase conversion rates by over 300%.

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The Case Study!

We first started working with a dental clinic here in Ottawa in June of 2018. Our first goal was to monitor all in bound patient acquisition and traffic sources. Our client had just recently purchased the clinic which had previously shown a poor new patient acquisition rate as well as a industry average retention rate.

After establishing that there was little to no online presence by stripping back the statistics, we developed a new website and optimized it to rank organically at the top of page one for a number of dental services in the downtown Ottawa area. This made an impressive boost to lead generation, we then added to this the Facebook re-targeting and on going ad campaign’s on social media and the results speak for themselves.

It’s important to mention that our results were all achieved well under the industry average acquisition rate. That’s including digital marketing expense’s! This is due to organic rankings offering a much lower cost per acquisition than paid traffic. The industry paid patient acquisition rate is between $250 CAD to $400 CAD per patient acquisition. Lost? We can help jump on a call with us to see how we can help your business.

Considering the LTV (Lifetime Value) of each client you cover that in the first year of treatment. Which is why so many businesses just run paid ads. But there is as you can see below a cheaper more efficient way.


Before you jump in to the analytics….
I must mention in full disclosure that the internal systems we are continually working are something that play a big factor on our results. This is done by analyzing internal growth through the clinic entrance and by phone. Tracking internal conversion rates from reception and service monitoring via SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity & Threat) analysis.

All of these things brought our client a whopping five times the amount of qualified traffic which resulted on average to 15 – 20 new active clients per month. While its still early we expect things to continue to grow!

We are proud to showcase our successes and look forward to presenting more digital marketing case studies when we can.

Organic Presence
